”A loner, fast and strong. […] The Albertosaurs took to the open fields like lions to the Serengeti.”
~John Hammond

Albertosaurus sarcophagus
Common Name:
Seen in:
• Jurassic Park Trespasser (1998)

Living in what we know today as Canada during the Cretaceous Period was Albertosaurus, a smaller and slender cousin of Dinosaurs such as Tyrannosaurus and Tarbosaurus. Much like these, Albertosaurus was an agile theropod, with long legs and short arms sporting two fingers. Albertosaurus is commonly known for its pointy frontwards facing horns, of which other Tyrannosaurids may have possessed in different shapes and sizes. Albertosaurus also lived with other Dinosaurs such as Pachyrhinosaurus and Troodon.
Albertosaurus is first seen as an inhabitant of Isla Sorna in 1998, being one of Site B’s many cloned Dinosaurs by Ingen for the construction of Jurassic Park and research. Measuring nearly 9 meters in length, it was a fairly sized medium theropod that lived on its own, a loner. It is known that at least 3 individuals lived on Sorna by the time of 1998, as reported by a survivor that got stranded on the Island during that time.
Albertosaurus sports a mixture of brown and white tones over its body, a white and light cream underbelly, followed by a yellow tone that gradually becomes more prominent on its back. Alongside cocoa colored stripes, spots and mottling all over its body, helping to efficiently camouflage itself in Redwood Forests.

Size Estimates:
3.5m Tall
8.9m Long
Did you know?
Much like other Dinosaurs from Jurassic Park Trespasser, Albertosaurus' coloration is inspired by Paleoart from Steve Kirk.
Habitat & Geographical Ranging:
Taking refuge in the Southeast portions of Isla Sorna, the Albertosaurus lives nearby cooler, temperate environments, predominantly in Conifer & Redwood Forests nearby the coast, where at least two individuals could be found next to the ancient Mayan Ruins. A third individual could be found further west, nearby the abandoned Burroughs, where warmer tropical forests and plains are predominant. A third locality, yet to be confirmed, are extensive temperate plains heading north. Many other Dinosaurs would be found in these plains such as Stegosaurus, Velociraptor, and even its larger cousin the Tyrannosaurus. Hammond compares the Albertosaurs to Lions, using the savanna-like grassfields to ambush and quickly charge towards their prey. Ever since its supposedly sights back in the late 90s, the Albertosaurus has been a dubious species, with no further evidence within Isla Sorna itself or outside of it.

Individual Variation:
This species has no known Variation.