"Atrociraptors, pure breeds, trained to kill." "Kill who?" "Whoever they're told! Laser marks the target attached to scent, don't stop 'till it's dead."
~Soyona Santos & Rainn Delacourt

Atrociraptor marshalli
Common Name:
Seen in:
• Jurassic World Dominion (2022)
• Jurassic World Chaos Theory (2024)

Currently the largest Dromaeosaur species known to be cloned, the Atrociraptor is a bold, robust, and aggressive predator from Late Cretaceous Canada. The Atrociraptor was first seen in 2022, intentionally released upon the streets of Malta from the Amber Clave Night Market. While easily confused with its more famous cousin Velociraptor, Atrociraptor is considerably larger, with longer legs and a boxy brick-shaped skull. Both animals lack feathering, although Atrociraptors feature small spikes on their chin and elbows.
With presently unknown origins, four Atrociraptors were held by Soyona Santos, a black market dealer and trainer who participated in an underground project utilizing the raptors for lethal applications. These unique individuals were trained from birth to follow commands via a pulse-coded laser tag, directing them to track down, hunt, and kill a marked target in urban environments.
The Atrociraptor is a persistent and impulsive animal, swiftly attacking their prey without mercy at the push of a button. As witnessed in the Malta incident, Atrociraptors do not terminate their pursuit under any conditions.

Size Estimates:
1.9m Tall
3.9m Long
Did you know?
Despite not being mentioned in the film, Ghost, Red, Tiger and Panthera are designed Specimens, with their unique color patterns being the result of genetic engineering. Currently it is unknown how a wild Atrociraptor would look like.
Habitat & Geographical Ranging:
Due to the only Atrociraptors seen on screen being intentionally designed and trained for urban environments, it is impossible to determine the preferable habitat for a wild specimen.
Nevertheless, Atrociraptor's geographical ranging currently only encompasses the coastal city of Valletta in the island of Malta. They were, however, intended to be transported to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia before being set loose outside the Amber Clave Night Market. All four individuals ran free across Malta alongside other escaped dinosaurs.

Individual Variation:
While no natural variation is known for this species, four designed variants are held by Soyona Santos:
-Codenamed "Ghost", this individual exhibits white and light grey tones across its body. Brownish-grey stripes converge along its back. Ghost's most striking feature is its blood-red eyes.
-Codenamed "Panthera", this individual sports a caramel body tone, light tan underbelly and dark brown lateral stripping. These parallel stripes dashed with white extend all along its neck, arms, legs, and tail.
-Codenamed "Red", this third individual predominately features a striking burnt umber body tone broken up by thick streaks of light tan markings throughout its whole body. Red's eyes are a bright golden yellow color.
-Codenamed "Tiger", the fourth and last individual lives up to its name, with a body made up of vibrant shades of orange and yellow, Tiger is countershaded with a white underbelly and dark brown vertical stripes, resembling a modern Tiger.