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Coniferous Parasaurolophus

"Dieter! Get into the out-cabine, you're closing in on a Co- Corynatho- [...] The one, with the big red horn, the pompadour, Elvis!"

~Roland Tembo

Jurassic Park (1993)
Jurassic Park (1993)
Jurassic Park (1993)
Jurassic Park (1993)
Jurassic Park (1993)
Jurassic Park (1993)
Jurassic Park (1993)
Jurassic Park (1993)
Jurassic Park (1993)
Jurassic Park (1993)
Jurassic Park (1993)
Jurassic Park (1993)


Parasaurolophus sp./walkeri?

Common Name:

Coniferous Parasaurolophus



Seen in:

• The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997)
• Jurassic Park Trespasser (1998)



Parasaurolophus, meaning "near crested lizard," is a genus of hadrosaur native to North America during the Late Cretaceous. It coexisted with dinosaurs such as Styracosaurus and Euoplocephalus in the Dinosaur Park Formation. This stunning herbivore is known for its distinctive tube-like crest utilized for sound amplification. Parasaurolophus is perhaps the dinosaur with the most genetic strains currently documented.

The Coniferous Parasaurolophus is one of two known strains to inhabit Isla Sorna. Sporting warm color tones, it is named after the typical environment it is found in, ranging from Conifer Forests, Sequoia Forests and Temperate Grasslands throughout the eastern side of the Island. It shows a tone of caramel over its body, with dual horizontal stripes going along the back. The males are distinguished by a vibrant red marking around the back of the head and neck.


Size Estimates:

4.5m Tall
6.4m Long

Did you know?

The Coniferous Parasaurolophus is the only of the breeds to inhabit Temperate Forests, while the majority inhabited Tropical environments, with the exception of the Sierran Parasaurolophus, who lives in Tundra landscapes.

Habitat & Geographical Ranging:

As its name suggests, the Coniferous Parasaurolophus is found to live in Conifer Forests & Temperate environments, Isla Sorna’s eastern portion is known to have vast lowlands where these Hadrosaurs take for territory. The animal would be first seen in 1997 during Ingen’s round-up to capture Dinosaurs and transport them back to the mainland, fleeing from the hunters at the Game Trail up north.

The Coniferous Parasaurolophus can also be found in the southeast portion of the Island, known to live in vast plains that range from temperate and sub-tropical weather, down there it is predated by Dinosaurs such as Albertosaurus and isolated populations of Velociraptor.


Individual Variation:

Albeit the Coniferous Parasaurolophus has no known variation among individuals, it is known for a subtle yet very present sexual dimorphism. The Males tend to be larger in size, with some notable specimens seen during Ingen’s round-up at the Game Trail. The Males are also known for specifically having a red band along the back of their heads, this red marking extends all over its neck and part of its spine, until it fades halfway through. The Females on the other hand lack this red in exchange for a whiter marking, similar to those on their underside. At some point it was believed the Females would have significantly shorter crests, a trait known to the species Parasaurolophus cyrtocristatus, but that has been disproved by now.

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