"Into the herd!"
~Dr. Alan Grant

Corythosaurus casuarius
Common Name:
Seen in:
• Jurassic Park III (2001)
• DinoTracker (2022)

First encountered back in 2001 by Dr. Grant, Billy Brennan, Tom Udesky, and the Kirbys, Corythosaurus is a herbivorous species belonging to the Hadrosauridae family that lived in North America during the Late Cretaceous period. Corythosaurus coexisted with various other Hadrosaurs in its environment such as Parasaurolophus and Lambeosaurus.
Leaked internal documents reveal Corythosaurus was cloned under Masrani Global in the late 90s during early research and development for Jurassic World. Corythosaurus is present in InGen’s Species Profiles prior to Masrani acquiring InGen, however, along with Maisaura and Hadrosaurus. While these species are not present on InGen’s list, they may have been cloned after the 1993 incident (when the list was compiled) and prior to Hurricane Clarissa, but this has yet to be confirmed. Nonetheless, we know that Corythosaurus was released into the wilds of Isla Sorna sometime in the 90s.
The Corythosaurus clones sport a rather exotic look. Their body is largely a muted beige with pinkish undertones contrasted by a golden yellow pattern dripping down from their back and outlined in black. Unlike its cousin, Parasaurolophus, the Corythosaurus sports a round pompadour-like crest, similar in shape to an inverted raindrop. The crest itself can vary in color, but is mainly orangeish with a vivid red branching pattern. Corythosaurus also has a long snout ending in a short, wide beak as well as vibrant green eyes.
Corythosaurus commonly engage in interspecies herding, primarily with Parasaurolophus. Additionally, they communicate through a distinctive booming calls. These hadrosaurs have a keen sense of smell, sensitive hearing, and sharp eyesight.

Size Estimates:
4.5m Tall
6.45m Long
Did you know?
Despite not being canon material, the Surprise Egg Toys by Captivz illustrate the Isla Sorna Corythosaurs with sexual dimorphism and the presence of hooves, a recent paleontological discovery that some Hadrosaurs would have had in real life.
Habitat & Geographical Ranging:
Although briefly seen, the Corythosaurus is one of the various inhabitants of the West and Southwest regions of Isla Sorna, consisting of hot and humid tropical landscapes. As seen in 2001, the Corythosaurus is chiefly observed in large numbers near other herbivores such as Parasaurolophus. They frequent open fields to feed on the low-growing vegetation. Corythosaurus has proved to be a rather successful animal on Isla Sorna. As the Kirby's plane soared over Sorna’s open plains, a Corythosaurus population nearing hundreds of individuals can be seen.
Despite that, Corythosaurus would remain out of public sight for at least two decades before being spotted again, this time on the mainland. Following a reported sighting from the website DinoTracker, a group of Parasaurolophus wrecked havoc in London as various individuals broke out of an illegal breeding operation. Interestingly, a single Corythosaurus can also be spotted in a photograph of the incident, proving that Corythosaurus eggs or embryos were eventually collected off Sorna to be produced on the Mainland. This incident is yet another example of the disastrous consequences of dinosaurs being set free all over the globe.

Individual Variation:
Two Corythosaur color morphs thought to represent sexual dimorphism are known to inhabit Isla Sorna. It is worth noting that it is unclear which gender each color morph represents.
The secondary color morph would first be presented in 2023 via Surprise Eggs by Captivz. Much like the standard yellow morph, this Corythosaur has a beige body tone, but with a vivid blue and purple body pattern. This morph sports sports defined white stripes along its back instead of black ones. The crest is a tone of lighter blue with horizontal cream stripes.