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"You put two apex predators on one valley. Pretty soon there's only gonna be one."

~Kayla Watts

Jurassic Park (1993)
Jurassic Park (1993)
Jurassic Park (1993)
Jurassic Park (1993)
Jurassic Park (1993)
Jurassic Park (1993)
Jurassic Park (1993)
Jurassic Park (1993)
Jurassic Park (1993)
Jurassic Park (1993)
Jurassic Park (1993)
Jurassic Park (1993)


Giganotosaurus carolinii

Common Name:




Seen in:

• Jurassic World Dominion (2022)



"The biggest carnivore the world has ever seen" is a title often recieved by the formidable Giganotosaurus. This colossal predator is native to Argentina during the mid-Cretaceous period. It belongs to the Carcharodontosaur family which includes genera such as Concavenator and Acrocanthosaurus.

The Giganotosaurus was one of the many species cloned by Biosyn Genetics after the Lockwood Manor incident. Biosyn's Giganotosaurus sports a dark, desaturated beige skin tone, broken up by extensive dark turquoise-hued stripes. Its body is covered in crocodile-like scutes and plating, including large keratinous spikes extending along its back. Keratin ridging is present above this carnivore’s yellowish green eyes, forming a formidable brow. No lips cover the serrated, shark-like teeth of this Carcharodontosaur. While larger than those of T. rex, the relatively small arms of Giganotosaurus have three clawed fingers.

The Giganotosaurus is the apex predator of its habitat. While fully capable of hunting prey, it is known to scavenge carcasses or even steal meals from other predators. Giganotosaurus frequently engaged in territorial conflicts with rival predators such as Tyrannosaurus, violently defending its dominion to its territory. This theropod is rather sluggish, often seen basking under the warmth of the sun’s rays. It allows for small animals to scavenge from its teeth while resting.


Size Estimates:

Male: 5.5m Tall 15.2m Long
Female: Unknown

Did you know?

Funnily enough, the Biosyn Giganotosaurus is not the biggest Carnivore cloned in the franchise, with the #1 spot going for the Indominus Rex instead, with greater mass and weight.

Habitat & Geographical Ranging:

With a single (now deceased) individual known to be cloned by Biosyn, the Giganotosaurus formerly inhabited Biosyn Valley, located in the Italian Dolomites. Living alongside many other dinosaur species, the Giganotosaurus prowled through the dense conifer forest, feeding off the local deer population.

It is also known that the Giganotosaurus held a rivalry with another species within the Valley, the Tyrannosaurus rex. These two species could be frequently seen disputing over territory or food. During the 2022 Biosyn Valley incident, the resident Giganotosaurus engaged in a lethal battle with a newly introduced Tyrannosaurus. The former was killed after being pushed into the claws of the Valley’s Therizinosaurus, impaling the Giganotosaurus. It is unknown if there are any other surviving individuals.

The fossil record of Giganotosaurus is sparse. Fossils are primarily found in South America, Argentina specifically. However, as seen in Jurassic World Dominion (Extended Cut), Cretaceous era North America (?) included populations of various different dinosaurs who would not have coexisted according to our fossil record, Giganotosaurus included. Regardless, it is shown that Giganotosaurus had a preference for the warm semi-arid conditions shown. The real Candeleros Formation Giganotosaurus is native to likely would have been a semi-arid floodplain during the Cretaceous.


Individual Variation:

Two variations are known for the Giganotosaurus, a healthy prehistoric individual, and the Biosyn individual.

The healthy prehistoric individual, as seen in the Extended Cut of Jurassic World Dominion, had a muted, light grey color tone with similarly dark gray stripes. The specimen had all of its keratin spikes intact and in a neat row.

The Biosyn individual displays its violent history on its skin. The animal is covered in scars, many of which have yet to heal. Some of its keratin spikes are ripped off or misshapen. This individual, known to be a male, featured greenish and blueish hues over its much darker toned body. It's unclear if these features are sexually dimorphic or simply natural variation among individuals.

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