Greater Brachiosaurus
"Dr. Grant, my dear Dr. Sattler, welcome, to Jurassic Park!"
~John Hammond

Brachiosaurus sp.
Common Name:
Greater Brachiosaurus
Seen in:
• Jurassic Park (1993)
• Jurassic Park Trespasser (1998)
• Evolution of Claire (2004)

One of the most majestic and beautiful dinosaurs cloned for Jurassic Park is the Brachiosaurus. Over the years, three different breeds have been seen throughout the franchise. This breed, the Greater Brachiosaurus, was first seen on Isla Nublar in 1993. Its common name is derived from the significant size difference between it and the Lesser Brachiosaurus, another breed also found on Isla Nublar. Despite that, the Greater Brachiosaurus isn't the largest of the three known breeds, with that title being held by its Sorna counterpart.
This breed features the key traits of a Brachiosaur: a long tall neck, a relatively short tail, slim long limbs, and a relatively small head. The Greater Brachiosaur has gentle, dark-brown pupils, similar to cows, and thick lips that conceal their thin peg-like teeth. Their coloration, at least for females, consists of shades of muted brown, cool grays, and light tones of tan and beige, especially on the underside.
Greater Brachiosaurus are gregarious animals. A herd of these majestic herbivores can be seen rising above the canopy to graze. Their beautiful calls can be heard from miles away, echoing through the tropical landscape. While their necks stretch heights of thirty feet, they are capable of rearing on their hind legs to reach the crowns of the tallest trees on Nublar.

Size Estimates:
Male: Unknown
Female: 14.5m Tall 15m Long
Did you know?
Alongside Sorna's Brachiosaurus, the Greater Brachio has an anatomically correct number of exposed claws on its feet, one on the front and 2-3 on the back.
Habitat & Geographical Ranging:
The Greater Brachiosaurus has a small geographic range. Only seen at the Costa Rican Islands of Jurassic Park. Twice on Isla Nublar during the 1993 Incident and once on Isla Sorna sometime in 1998. Some surviving specimens of the first generation were used during the initial years of Jurassic World, circa 2004 and 2005.
This species is predominately seen in open grassland habitats composed of tall Acacia-like trees and Conifers. It is possible this breed prefers wide open areas to wander, but forages within Coniferous Semi-Tropical forests. Greater Brachiosaurs can also be seen wading in large waterbodies, likely to cool-off from the hot climate of Isla Nublar.

Individual Variation:
This breed of Brachiosaurus features no known variation.