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Inland Pteranodon

"These creatures, require our absence to survive, not our help. And if we could, step aside, and trust in nature.. Life, will find a way."

~John Hammond

Jurassic Park (1993)
Jurassic Park (1993)
Jurassic Park (1993)
Jurassic Park (1993)
Jurassic Park (1993)
Jurassic Park (1993)
Jurassic Park (1993)
Jurassic Park (1993)
Jurassic Park (1993)
Jurassic Park (1993)
Jurassic Park (1993)
Jurassic Park (1993)


Pteranodon sternbergi

Common Name:

Inland Pteranodon/Geosternbergia



Seen in:

• The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997)



Pteranodon is a mid-sized Pterosaur from a family of the same name, Pteranodontidae. It sports a long crest on the back of its head, and a narrow, long, toothless beak. These flyers have been seen in a variety of places, both on Isla Nublar and Sorna, and even on the mainland.

One of three known breeds of this pterosaur, not much is known about the Inland Pteranodon. Briefly seen soaring over Isla Sorna, it is the smallest of the three breeds, with a wingspan no longer than 7 meters. They receive the common name “Inland” as they inhabit the interior of Isla Sorna, not venturing far enough to reach the mainland unlike its sister breed, the Highland Pteranodon. Some suggest they may be weak flyers.

The Inland Pteranodons sport cool-toned colors, with a mainly white body and a pattern consisting of blue and cyan tones on their backs. Their beaks, wings, and crests display variation in tones of yellow, light cream, and dark brown, with big bright yellow eyes to see while flying up-high. Some strains of this breed are said to have a short covering of pycnofibers or proto-feathers along their backs, but this has yet to be confirmed.


Size Estimates:

Male: 2.7m Long 7m Wingspan
Female: 3m Long 6m Wingspan

Did you know?

There’s still a lot of miscommunication regarding which designs represent this Pteranodon, as in Universal’s Style Guide it is considered as Geosternbergia, a separate species from Pteranodon.

Habitat & Geographical Ranging:

With a small known range consisting solely of Isla Sorna, the Inland Pteranodons have not been sighted on the mainland. They can be primarily found in Sorna’s northeast regions, covered by temperate forests and savanna-like grasslands where animals such as Stegosaurus and Tyrannosaurus thrive. They can be seen flying at low altitudes, keeping their territory within the interior of the island. There are rumors that the Inland Pteranodon was meant to be kept at Jurassic Park’s aviary on Isla Nublar. It is unknown if they were ever transferred to their Nublar exhibit.


Individual Variation:

While there are no known variations among individuals, sexual dimorphism can be easily seen in this breed. Females are significantly smaller than males, with longer necks, narrower beaks and a thin crest. They also lack yellow tones around their heads, with prominent dark brown stripes instead, their wings are also duller in tone.

The males however, sport a large, spade-shaped crest. Both this crest and their beaks are in a vivid yellow tone, followed by a navy blue coloration on its back. The male is often identified as “Geosternbergia” a genus of Pterosaur considered to be a secondary species of Pteranodon by many researchers. The “proper” name of this strain has yet to be confirmed officially.

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