"Alan this species of Veriforman's been extinct since.. the Cretaceous Period."
~Dr. Ellie Sattler

Veriforma? Indet.
Common Name:
Seen in:
• Jurassic Park (1993)

The Veriforman, Veriform or Veriformes, is an extinct plant taxon found in the lush jungles of Isla Nublar back in the 90s for Jurassic Park. The precise species that the plant belongs to is unclear, but judging by the comments made by Dr. Ellie Sattler and its physical appearance, it is possible that the Veriforman could belong or be related to the Araceae family, which has fossil record dating back to the Maastrichtian (Late Cretaceous).
The plant resembles a modern angiosperm called "Elephant Ear," with broad dark green leaves growing out of light-toned rizhome roots. The spade-shaped leaves feature exotic red spots and splotches with similarly colored veins.

Size Estimates:
1.16m Tall / 60.3cm x 60.8cm Leaf
(Aproximate values)
Did you know?
In the Novels Universe, there is a similar plant called Serenna veriformans, described as a large Jurassic Fern instead of the Elephant Ear-like of the movies.
Habitat & Geographical Ranging:
Only ever seen in the hands of Dr. Sattler back in 1993, it is unclear if the Veriforman ever made its way into the mainland, or if it was present on Isla Sorna. The range of the plant can only be confirmed to be along the Helipad roads on the center-south of Isla Nublar.
The road itself was flanked by lush jungle on both sides, demonstrating that the Veriforman was a tropical-adapted plant with shade tolerance. Isla Nublar made for an ideal environment for this prehistoric flora species considering the hot humid climate during the Cretaceous period.

Individual Variation:
This species has no known Variation.