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"This agile carnivore is a member of the Tyrannosaur family. Albertosaurus stalked the North American plains 8 million years before T-Rex."


Albertosaurus is one of the 4 Small Carnivores present in the game at Release, it's perhaps the largest of this group. Albertosaurus is also the second of the two Tyrannosaurids present in the game, alongside the Tyrannosaurus Rex.


  • Albertosaurus sp.

Name Meaning:​

  • "Alberta Lizard"


  • Tyrannosauridae


  • Late Cretaceous

Found in:

  • Judith River Formation Site A

Cloning Cost:

  • 3,240$


  • Aprox. 3.55 Meters Tall


  • Aprox. 9 Meters Long


  • 725


  • Common

Security Levels:

  • Low

Life Span:

  • 4 Years

Pack Size:

  • 1-2 Individuals

Favorite Prey:

  • Parasaurolophus

5 Stars.png

Concept Art 


Size Scale

Pleasing Tourists

"Albertosaurus is in the "in crowd," a big clump of Jurassic Park dinosaurs from the late Cretaceous era. For dino nerds, team them with Gallimimus, Triceratops, and Tyrannosaurus, or nine other dinosaurs from the late Cretaceous time period, and you can't go wrong. Thrill seekers will expect Albertosaurus to rip some hide, so build a pen where they can "play" with Edmontosaurus, Homalocephales, Torosaurus, and their favorite prey, Parasaurolophus. Don't team them up with larger carnivores; they won't live past their second year." ~Prima's Official Strategy Guide


Sexual Dimorphism

Although unclear if it's intentional, the Concept Art of Albertosaurus shows a color pattern very similar to Allosaurus, red with dark red stripes and white belly, the Concept Art Alberto also has blue eyes while the Final Game one has Green eyes.

The Final Game Alberto has a shade of brown, with tan belly and orange stripes, aswell as green eyes. As stated, it's unclear if it's intentional, but that could probably be the representative of Albertosaurus' cut sexual dimorphism.

Audio Files

Alberto Roar 01
Alberto Roar 02
Alberto Growl 01
Alberto Growl 02
Alberto Growl 03
Jane Powers' Announcement

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we're happy to announce the newest addition to our park. The fearsome Cretaceous carnivore: Albertosaurus. Please Enjoy!

~Jane Powers


  • Originally, Albertosaurus and other 3 Star Dinosaurs had the cost of 2,850$ in early builds of the game, that was later raised to 3,240$ in the final game.

  • Albertosaurus, alongside Ceratosaurus, is one of the leftovers from the group of Medium Carnivores, although the Hatchery labels them as Small, they still use Medium Sized Transport Cages.

  • Albertosaurus is the only Tyrannosaurid in the game aside from Tyrannosaurus Rex.

  • It is likely that Alioramus, another Tyrannosaurid, was cut from the game for filling the same niche as the Albertosaurus.

  • Albertosaurus' roar is a sped up and high pitched version of the Spinosaurus roars.

  • In the PC version of the game, Albertosaurus has missing pieces of faces on the tip of the tail of its 3D model.

  • Albertosaurus is the only of the Small Carnivores that requires Low Security levels.

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Disclaimer: ALL the content presented here is for entertainment and informative purposes only, as a  fan / non-official site, all the credits go for Universal Studios and Amblin Entertainment for the Jurassic Park IP, aswell as the now closed Blue-Tongue Entertainment for the rights of Operation Genesis.

This site was built by fans for the fans, who don't intend to infringe any copyrights from the IP owners.

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