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Dinosaurs and the heart and soul of every Jurassic Park that you build, these amazing animals brought back from extinction are one of the greatest achievements ever made by man. Operation Genesis gives the player a roster of 25 Species, those being, 9 carnivores and 16 herbivores.

Originally, the game was supposed to have 40 Species, thanks to the game files, we were able to recover 15 of those cut Dinosaurs, revealing the 40 Dinosaurs from the original roster.

You can see more about each Dinosaur by clicking on its icon below:

Small Carnivores
Small Carnivore.png

Small Carnivores

Albertosaurus Icon.png
Alioramus Icon.png
Baryonyx Icon.png
Ceratosaurus Icon.png
Compsognathus Icon.png






Large Carnivores
Deinonychus Icon.png


Dilophosaurus Icon.png


Velociraptor Icon.png


Large Carnivore.png

Large Carnivores

Acrocanthosaurus Icon.png


Allosaurus Icon.png


Carcharodontosaurus Icon.png


Spinosaurus Icon.png


Tyrannosaurus Icon.png

Tyrannosaurus Rex

Yangchuanosaurus Icon.png
Small Herbivores


Small Herbivore.png

Small Herbivores

Chasmosaurus Icon.png


Dryosaurus Icon.png


Gallimimus Icon.png


Homalocephale Icon.png


Kentrosaurus Icon.png


Ornithomimus Icon.png
Pachycephalosaurus Icon.png



Panoplosaurus Icon.png


Styracosaurus Icon.png


Tenontosaurus Icon.png


Thescelosaurus Icon.png


Wuerhosaurus Icon.png


Large Herbivores
Large Herbivore.png

Large Herbivores

Ankylosaurus Icon.png


Diplodocus Icon.png


Parasaurolophus Icon.png


Apatosaurus Icon.png


Edmontosaurus Icon.png


Stegosaurus Icon.png


Brachiosaurus Icon.png


Iguanodon Icon.png


Torosaurus Icon.png


Camarasaurus Icon.png


Maiasaura Icon.png


Triceratops Icon.png


Corythosaurus Icon.png


Ouranosaurus Icon.png



As separated above, Dinosaurs in Operation Genesis are classified based on two factors for the Hatchery, their Diet and their Size, in the final game we only have 4 categories, Small, Large, Carnivore and Herbivore. Although, perhaps as a cut feature, there's a 5th category found in the game files for Medium Herbivores and Medium Carnivores. Despite the Hatchery not using these classes anymore, the Transport Cages do, certain dinos such as Parasaurolophus, Triceratops and Ankylosaurus still use proper Medium sized Cages, showing that they were once Medium Herbivores.

Cut Content

Cut Content

6 Major topics regarding Dinosaurs were sadly cut or scrapped from ideas and early builds of the game, due to time constrains and limitations from console's memory:


Pterosaurs and Aquatic Reptiles - Very little is known about these groups of animals as they probably never made their way past conceptual ideas, both were planned as Expansion Packs for post-release;


Enrichment Items - Little is known about these items but we do have a brief idea that they were actually in-game at some point, with Research options for "Fun Ball" for dinosaurs to play with, and "Chew Toys" to relief dinosaur's aggression;


Serums - 6 different types of Serums were originally planned for Rangers to use when flying around the park to handle Dinosaurs, sadly only the Tranquilizer made it into the game:

  • Tranquilizer: A serum to temporarily put a dinosaur to sleep.

  • Energizer: A serum to awaken a dinosaur.

  • Appetite Suppressant: A serum to enhance a dinosaur's appetite.

  • Fear: A Serum that makes the dinosaur fear other dinosaurs and humans.

  • Playful: A Serum that makes the dinosaur playful.

  • Rage: A Serum that puts the dinosaur into a rage.


Sexual Dimorphism - At some point in development, Dinosaurs had sexual dimorphism with their respective different skins to show Males and Females. It's likely the mechanic was removed due Breeding also being removed, although some hints of that are still in the game, like the Green Tyrannosaurus, White Velociraptor and the Velociraptor with Male quills in concept art;


Breeding - Attached to Sexual Dimorphism and Babies, Breeding was another of those cut planned mechanics in the game, it's presumed the Breeding would be a special condition on the Site B Mode, or a possible Research to enable it; 


Babies and Petting Zoos - Also connected to another content, the Buildings, Babies were planned to come in the game, both from natural ways as two dinosaurs breeding, as from Cloning one and it hatching as a baby, both Babies and Petting Zoo were cut due to time constrains to work on new models and new AI;

"We experimented with baby dinosaurs midway through the project. We tried schemes such as scaling the adult dinosaurs down to make them into babies. However, scaling adults down did not look right. Making baby dinosaurs that looked good required new baby dinosaur models and baby AI. This is similar to the work required for adding more dinosaur species. As a result, baby dinosaurs were dropped. Along with them, we also dropped any ideas for a Dino Petting Zoo."



Dinosaurs, like all animals in captivity, will sometimes become sick. Ingen Dinosaurs, however, are more susceptible to diseases because they are born with immune deficiencies that are direct result of their accelerated growth.


Diseases create serious problems for your park.  In the best case, your visitors will complain about your lack of care for your dinosaurs, in the worst case, your dinosaurs will die. Rangers are assigned the responsibility to monitor and control disease outbreaks in your Park. You must make sure that your Rangers have the vaccines they need to be able to control disease outbreaks!

Researching vaccines is an important preemptive strategy for curbing the spread of disease in your game. When diseases strike, they can rapidly spread across your park. If you already have vaccines prepared, then you will be able to immunize dinosaurs to prevent them ever catching the disease.

The Game once had 11 Diseases in total, yet sadly 5 of these were cut from the final game, reducing it to 6 Diseases only, all these 11 Diseases are listed and described below:

Research Disease.png

Stomach Worms [Cut]

Aside from its name and presence in the Game's language files, there's no other info regarding Stomach Worms.

Dino-Belly 1.png

Dino Belly

This is a minor viral infection which affects the dinosaur's digestive system. It causes the dinosaur to eat less, drink more and excrete massively. While not immediately fatal, it will definitely reduce the appeal of afflicted dinosaurs.

Research Disease.png

Skin Mites [Cut]

Aside from its name and presence in the Game's language files, there's no other info regarding Skin Mites.

Tick Infestation 1.png

Tick Infestation

Ticks are small parasites which attach themselves to the bodies of dinosaurs. Once attached they feed upon the dinosaur's blood, causing itchiness, irritability and a lack of energy. If left unchecked it can sometimes cause the dinosaur to become paralyzed.

Research Disease.png

Common Cold [Cut]

Aside from its name and presence in the Game's language files, there's no other info regarding Common Cold.

Dino-Flu 1.png

Dinosaur Flu

This variant of influenza will cause your dinosaurs to start sneezing, and making infected dinosaurs lose their appetite and become tired quickly. Dino flu is highly contagious and can quickly spread around to other dinosaurs in your Park.

Rabies 1.png


This is an extremely dangerous disease which strikes carnivorous dinosaurs in your park. In its early stages the infected dinosaur starts shaking and is extremely thirsty. In its later stage, the dinosaur goes berserk, attacking anything it sees.

Bumblefoot 1.png


This is an inflammation of the dinosaur's foot caused when a cut or abrasion becomes infected and heals over. The resulting swollen foot is extremely painful, causing the dinosaur to limp, reducing her movement speed and placing the dinosaur under stress.

Research Disease.png

Foot and Mouth [Cut]

Aside from its name and presence in the Game's language files, there's no other info regarding Foot and Mouth.

Gastric Poisoning 1.png

Gastric Poisoning

This is a very serious condition that can occur in herbivorous dinosaurs. Toxins from the plants that they eat accumulate in the body of the dinosaur, until they reach such a level that the dinosaur becomes immobilized and can eventually die from the poisoning.

Research Disease.png

Arthritis [Cut]

Aside from its name and presence in the Game's language files, there's no other info regarding Arthritis.

Treating dinosaur diseases is a simple process, thanks to INGEN's rapid vaccination research laboratories. However, you must make sure you have all the resources you need.

If you see a dinosaur with a disease [either you're concerned about its symptoms, or it is displaying a disease icon] then you should select the dinosaur and send the order "Immunize".

If the dinosaur has a disease for which you already have a vaccine, select the vaccine from the list and select "Immunize Unit". The nearest Ranger will be sent to perform the immunization.
If the disease has spread into a herd of dinosaurs, you can use the "Immunize Species" command to immunize all members of that dinosaur species.
If you do not have the vaccine for that disease then you will be prompted to go to the Research Department, where you can commence research into a vaccine.
Once the dinosaur has been immunized, it is immune for life and it will never catch that disease again.

As a preemptive measure, you can research the "Hatchery Immunization" Upgrade for your Hatcheries, which will ensure that any future dinosaurs that you produce will be treated with all of the vaccines that you possess before it is released into the Park environment.



Dinosaurs, just like any other living creature in this world, need food to fulfill their bodies' needs and to keep producing energy, and that's where the Feeders enter, they're created via underground dispensers to release batches of food for the park's animals from specific periods of time.

There's 2 different types of Feeders, the Herbivore and the Carnivore Feeders:

Carnivore Feeder.png

Carnivore Feeder

Herbivore Feeder.png

Herbivore Feeder

Dispenses Goats or Cows for carnivorous dinosaurs to feed on. Goats costs 50$ per dispense while Cows cost 80$.

Dispenses Bales or Paleo Bales for herbivorous dinosaurs to feed on. Bale costs 20$ per dispense while Paleo cost 50$.

Types of Food

Types of Food

As stated above, Feeders can dispense 4 different types of food, each one of those can be used for specific dinosaurs alongside 2 other types that you can see below:



Small amount of meat that costs 50$ to be dispensed.

Recommended to be used for medium and small carnivores.


Modern Bale

Pack of modern day plants and vegetation that costs 20$ to be dispensed. Recommended for

early parks, sparing expenses!


Modern Foliage

Modern day Palm Trees are one of the main sources of food for Sauropods as they don't eat from feeders.



Large amount of meat that costs 80$ to be dispensed.

Recommended to be used for

large carnivores and groups.


Paleo Bale

Pack of prehistoric plants and vegetation that costs 50$ to be dispensed. Recommended to avoid diseases on Herbivores.


Paleo Foliage

Prehistoric Plants and Trees are the main source of food for Sauropods, eating those are a good wait to avoid Diseases.

Genesis Archives Icon.png

Disclaimer: ALL the content presented here is for entertainment and informative purposes only, as a  fan / non-official site, all the credits go for Universal Studios and Amblin Entertainment for the Jurassic Park IP, aswell as the now closed Blue-Tongue Entertainment for the rights of Operation Genesis.

This site was built by fans for the fans, who don't intend to infringe any copyrights from the IP owners.

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