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"This is the largest member of the Hadrosaur family in Jurassic Park. It lived in huge herds in the Late Cretaceous and was one of the most common dinosaurs of this period. It is ideally adapted to life on floodplains and river deltas, eating plants that grew near water."


Edmontosaurus is a large herbivorous Hadrosaurid dinosaur present in the Large Herbivores class of the game. It's perhaps the largest dinosaur in the game that isn't a sauropod, and also the largest of the Hadrosaurs.


  • Edmontosaurus sp.

Name Meaning:​

  • "Edmonton Lizard"


  • Hadrosauridae


  • Late Cretaceous

Found in:

  • Hell Creek Formation    Site B

Cloning Cost:

  • 3,240$


  • Aprox. 4.35 Meters Tall


  • Aprox. 13.4 Meters Long


  • 500


  • Uncommon

Security Levels:

  • Low

Life Span:

  • 6 Years and 6 Months

Herd Size:

  • 1-7 Individuals

Socializes with:

  • Parasaurolophus

5 Stars.png

Concept Art 


Size Scale

Pleasing Tourists

"More than a dozen dinosaurs from the late Cretaceous time period show up in Jurassic Park. This makes for easy matching. Pair up an Edmontosaurus with another herbivore like a Parasaurolophus (the best choice), Gallimimus, Styracosaurus, or Triceratops for the fun lovers. Dino nerds will be impressed with those choices, especially the Albertosaurus and Tyrannosaurus, which hunted Edmontosaurus way back when. Mainstream guests and thrill seekers generally won't be awed by Edmontosaurus. Thrill seekers only care if you serve up Edmontosaurus in the carnivore pen as the main course."

~Prima's Official Strategy Guide


Sexual Dimorphism

Edmontosaurus is an interesting case regarding the potential sexual dimorphism, early designs of Edmonto had it with greenish and yellow tones, very vibrant and without prominent stripes like the final version has, it's unclear if they were specifically for sexual dimorphism or not, but considering how different they are from the final version, it's an interesting possibility.

Audio Files

Edmonto Call 01
Edmonto Call 02
Edmonto Resting 01
Edmonto Resting 02
Jane Powers' Announcement

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are pleased to announce the arrival of our latest attraction: Edmontosaurus. It is truly a delight to observe the natural grace of these gentle giants!"

~Jane Powers


  • Edmontosaurus is the only dinosaur of the game to start with E.

  • Edmontosaurus is the largest non-sauropod dinosaur of the game.

  • Edmontosaurus is one of the least social hadrosaurs of the game.

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Disclaimer: ALL the content presented here is for entertainment and informative purposes only, as a  fan / non-official site, all the credits go for Universal Studios and Amblin Entertainment for the Jurassic Park IP, aswell as the now closed Blue-Tongue Entertainment for the rights of Operation Genesis.

This site was built by fans for the fans, who don't intend to infringe any copyrights from the IP owners.

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