The Amenities Buildings are as important as the Attractions inside of your Park, after all, this is a theme park, a resort! As Ludlow says, money!
Having the right Buildings to please the Crowds from your Park is important to make sure they stay on it as long as possible. Originally, the game had 8 Amenities Buildings in total, out of these, 2 were sadly cut during development, it's unknown if there were any other buildings. These are all listed down below, where you can read in detail about each:
Amenities Buildings
As mentioned above, there were 8 Amenities Buildings in total for the game, here, we list the 6 Buildings that made it into the Final Game. The Cut ones are listed further down the page if you're interested.

Park Entrance
The Park Entrance, or Visitors Center, is the may arrival point for all the Visitors on your Park, it's where they enter and leave.

Cleaner Station
Not a true Amenities Building, although it does help to make sure your Visitors explore a clean and fency Park!

Souvenir Stand
The Souvenir Stand, or just Gift Shop, is a nice way to get Visitors to buy gifts and items to use and have in your Park.

The Kiosk is a vital Building to have, it's where your Visitors will buy meals and drinks during their stay in your Park.

Rest Area
Also an important Building, the Rest Area works as a way for your Visitors to relax and recover from long walks.

Rest Room
We all have our necessities right? That's exactly what the Rest Room is for..
Cut Buildings
2 out of the 8 Buildings from Operation Genesis were sadly cut from the final game, and only have their mentions and info throughout the Game Files, you can see them below and more info regarding them in the Cut Content Section of the site:

Jurassic Park Institute
Originally, the JPI was the most important Building of the entire game, working as the starting point for all Parks.

Almost nothing is known from the Hotels, aside from their mention in the Gamasutra interview. It's quite possible they were removed due the removal of other mechanics like the Day/Night Cycle.