Jurassic Park and its technologies won't just magically appear for you to build, you must do the necessary research to achieve these technologies. And that's where Dr. Henry Wu and his Laboratory Team enters, they provide various different Research options for you to build up the perfect Jurassic Park, a safe, secure, modern and impressive park!
The Game contains a total of 72 Research items found in the game files, out of these, only 32 made it into the final game, resulting in 40 being cut throughout development.
Research Types
There are 7 different types of Research that can be found when playing your new Operation Genesis Campaign, all of them are important to have a successful park so it's vital to eventually try to get all of them. The 7 types are:
Each of these types have their own items to be researched and used throughout the construction of your Jurassic Park, you can read in details about each one down below.​
Research Tree
Operation Genesis' Research is separated in a large Tree, that is separated into 3 Rings, all those work as "Phases" of your park building experience, certain Researches need other specific Researches done to be unlocked, a specific time, and of course, money.
Take into consideration this Research Tree lists all the Research Items found in the game files, this includes cut Items and Buildings that were moved as Starter on new campaigns.
All that info is listed below, with a better detailed list of all the Research Items under it:
Primary Tech Ring [Phase 1 Pre-Opening]
The very first Phase of building your park. Originally, the player was going to spend much more time in planning out the initial layout for the park, instead of building the smallest and most rushed thing to open as soon as possible. This Phase 1 includes the very basics to start the Park Design.

Description: Allows you to build paths.
Cost: ???
Time: ???
Category: ???
Requirements: Jurassic Park Institute;
Super Extractor
Description: Speeds up DNA Extraction.
Cost: 4500$
Time: 1 Month
Category: Dinosaurs
Requirements: Jurassic Park Institute;
Growth Booster
Description: Speeds up dinosaur growth in the Hatchery.
Cost: 3000$
Time: 1 Month and 15 Days
Category: Dinosaurs
Requirements: Super Extractor;
Description: A Hatchery allows you to create Dinosaurs.
Cost: ???
Time: ???
Category: ???
Requirements: Low, Medium and High Security Fences;
Hatchery Immunization
Description: Automatically immunizes newborn dinosaurs with available vaccines when they are born.
Cost: 5000$
Time: 2 Months
Category: Dinosaurs
Requirements: Growth Booster;
Lethal Gene
Description: The Lethal Gene is a fatal error in the DNA of all dinosaurs. When activated the dinosaur's health will gradually drop to zero.
Cost: 20000$
Time: 1 Month and 15 Days
Category: Dinosaurs
Requirements: Growth Booster, Super Extractor and Hatchery Immunization;
Modern Flora
Description: Plant contemporary flora in your park.
Cost: ???
Time: ???
Category: ???
Requirements: Jurassic Park Institute;
Low Security Fence
Description: The low security fence type - recommended for herbivores.
Cost: ???
Time: ???
Category: ???
Requirements: Jurassic Park Institute;
Herbivore Feeder
Description: Feed Herbivores with this food dispenser.
Cost: ???
Time: ???
Category: Dinosaurs
Requirements: Hatchery;
Carnivore Feeder
Description: Feed Carnivores with this food dispenser.
Cost: ???
Time: ???
Category: Dinosaurs
Requirements: Hatchery;
Viewing Vent
Description: Build the Viewing Vent into a fence to allow visitors to view dinosaurs.
Cost: ???
Time: ???
Category: ???
Requirements: Low, Medium and High Security Fences;
Secondary Tech Ring [Phase 2 Pre-Opening]
After building up the basics, the Phase 2 of Pre-Opening begins, where you start to research and place down vital buildings and facilities to prepare the park for the upcoming arrival of Visitors.

Park Entrance:
Description: This is where visitors arrive in your park.
Cost: ???
Time: ???
Category: ???
Requirements: None;
Cash Machine:
Description: Allows visitors to get a guided tour through the JP Institute.
Cost: 600$
Time: 1 Month
Category: Amenities
Requirements: JPI's Education Tour;
Weather Guard:
Description: Umbrellas for visitors, and enhanced protection against lightning for structures and fences.
Cost: 500$
Time: 1 Month
Category: Amenities
Requirements: Park Entrance;
Cleaner Station:
Description: Provides Cleaners to work in your park, and keep the environment tidy.
Cost: ???
Time: ???
Category: ???
Requirements: Park Entrance;
Ranger Station:
Description: Provides Rangers to maintain security in your park.
Cost: ???
Time: ???
Category: ???
Requirements: Park Entrance;
Gyro Stabilizer:
Description: Provides stability for helicopters during storms.
Cost: 2000$
Time: 1 Month and 20 Days
Category: Vehicles
Requirements: Spray System;
Double Battery:
Description: Provides better batteries for helicopters, so that they can remain airborne longer.
Cost: 1500$
Time: 1 Month
Category: Vehicles
Requirements: Enhanced Engine;
Description: Enables your rangers to retire dinosaurs.
Cost: 1500$
Time: 1 Month
Category: Vehicles
Requirements: Enhanced Engine;
Auto Lure:
Description: Dispenses Dino-Lures, which attract dinosaurs to a certain location.
Cost: 1200$
Time: 1 Month and 15 Days
Category: Dinosaurs
Requirements: Jurassic Park Institute;
Medium Security Fence:
Description: The medium security fence type - recommended for carnivores.
Cost: 300$
Time: 1 Month
Category: Security
Requirements: Low Security Fence;
Secondary Tech Ring [Phase 1 Opening]
With everything that you needed to build Jurassic Park, the time finally came and you opened it to the public. Now, comes the Secondary Tech Ring for the post-opening stage of the game, where you start to expand your opened park.
Visitor Shelter:
Description: Provides a safe haven for visitors who feel threatened in your park.
Cost: 2500$
Time: 1 Month and 15 Days
Category: Security
Requirements: Ranger Station;
Viewing Platform:
Description: A place for visitors to view dinosaurs.
Cost: ???
Time: ???
Category: ???
Requirements: Park Entrance;
Description: Improved binoculars to increase the viewing distance from the Viewing Platform.
Cost: 600$
Time: 1 Month
Category: Attractions
Requirements: Viewing Platform;
Description: A calming water feature which soothes visitors and improves your environment.
Cost: 400$
Time: 1 Month
Category: Amenities
Requirements: Park Entrance;
Trash Can:
Description: ???
Cost: ???
Time: ???
Category: ???
Requirements: ???
Description: ???
Cost: ???
Time: ???
Category: ???
Requirements: ???
Description: A place for visitors to eat and drink.
Cost: ???
Time: ???
Category: ???
Requirements: Park Entrance;
Souvenir Stand:
Description: Sell souvenirs to your visitors.
Cost: 2000$
Time: 2 Months
Category: Amenities
Requirements: Park Entrance;
Rest Area:
Description: A place for weary visitors to rest.
Cost: 1500$
Time: 1 Month
Category: Amenities
Requirements: Park Entrance;
Rest Room:
Description: Amenities for visitors.
Cost: ???
Time: ???
Category: ???
Requirements: Park Entrance;

Tertiary Tech Ring [Phase 2 Opening]
After Opening up Jurassic Park with your initial layout and basic expansions, the Research Tree opens up the Tertiary and last Tech Ring for the final expansions and updates needed to build the greatest Park!
High Security Fence:
Description: The high security fence type - recommended for dangerous dinosaurs.
Cost: 5000$
Time: 2 Months
Category: Security
Requirements: Medium Security Fence;
Security Camera:
Description: To improve park security.
Cost: 1500$
Time: 1 Month
Category: Security
Requirements: Ranger Station;
Sentry Turret:
Description: To increase park security.
Cost: 1500$
Time: 2 Months
Category: Security
Requirements: Security Camera;
Balloon Tour:
Description: Allows visitors to take a Balloon Ride around your park.
Cost: 1500$
Time: 2 Months
Category: Attractions
Requirements: Park Entrance;
Viewing Dome:
Description: For visitors to see dinosaurs up close and personal.
Cost: 1250$
Time: 2 Months
Category: Attractions
Requirements: Hunting Platform;
Safari Tour:
Description: Allows visitors to take a Safari Tour in a Land Cruiser around your park.
Cost: 2000$
Time: 2 Months
Category: Attractions
Requirements: Balloon Tour;
Avoidance Beacon:
Description: Nearby dinosaurs will be repelled by this device.
Cost: 2000$
Time: 1 Month
Category: Security
Requirements: None;

Diseases Tech Ring
Not a true Tech Ring, but instead a category of Research, available right from the start, to be researched at any moment. The Vaccines are vital to make sure Diseases don't become a problem during the construction of your park.
Dino Belly:
Description: Research a vaccine for this disease.
Cost: 1500$
Time: 1 Month and 15 Days
Category: Vaccines
Requirements: At least 1 Dinosaur with Dino Belly;
Tick Infestation:
Description: Research a vaccine for this disease.
Cost: 1000$
Time: 1 Month
Category: Vaccines
Requirements: At least 1 Dinosaur with Tick Infestation;
Dinosaur Flu:
Description: Research a vaccine for this disease.
Cost: 1750$
Time: 1 Month and 15 Days
Category: Vaccines
Requirements: At least 1 Dinosaur with Dinosaur Flu;
Description: Research a vaccine for this disease.
Cost: 3000$
Time: 2 Months
Category: Vaccines
Requirements: At least 1 Dinosaur with Rabies;
Description: Research a vaccine for this disease.
Cost: 1000$
Time: 1 Month
Category: Vaccines
Requirements: At least 1 Dinosaur with BumbleFoot;
Gastric Poisoning:
Description: Research a vaccine for this disease.
Cost: 2000$
Time: 2 Months
Category: Vaccines
Requirements: At least 1 Dinosaur with Gastric Poisoning;

Serums Tech Ring
Just like the Diseases, the Serums Tech Ring is not a true Ring, but a Research Category instead. The Serums is the only Research Tree Branch entirely cut from the game, as its respective functions were cut aswell.
Description: Research a serum to temporarily put a dinosaur to sleep.
Cost: ???
Time: ???
Category: Serums
Requirements: ???
Description: Research a serum to awaken a dinosaur.
Cost: ???
Time: ???
Category: Serums
Requirements: ???
Appetite Suppressant:
Description: Research an appetite suppressant serum.
Cost: ???
Time: ???
Category: Serums
Requirements: ???
Description: Research a serum that makes the dinosaur fear other dinosaurs and humans.
Cost: ???
Time: ???
Category: Serums
Requirements: ???
Description: Research a serum that makes the dinosaur playful.
Cost: ???
Time: ???
Category: Serums
Requirements: ???
Description: Research a serum that puts the dinosaur into a rage.
Cost: ???
Time: ???
Category: Serums
Requirements: ???
Missing Research
Certain Research Items, both cut and present in the final game, aren't found in the Research.ini file of the game, yet they're mentioned in other files, it's unclear exactly why they're that way. Green will apply to Cut Items, while Bright Green applies to Items seen in the final game. The list includes:
Auto Pilot: Assign orders to be automatically carried out by ranger helicopters.
Spray System: For extinguishing fires in your park.
Enhanced Engine: Provides better engines for helicopters, for more speed.
Revive: Enables your rangers to Revive injured dinosaurs with a healing compound.
Dino Lure: Enables your rangers to drop dinosaur lures from the helicopter.
JP Institute: The center for all fossil activities.
Dino-Vet Station: Allows Dino-Vets to operate in your park.
Super Healing Compound: A stronger Healing Compound that completely Revives any dinosaur in one shot.
Education Tour: Allows visitors to get a guided tour through the JP Institute.
Hatchery Tour: This tour is not really possible, as visitors cannot get to the Hatchery.
Gate: A gate in a fence allows you to send a Safari Ride through an enclosure.
Vending Machines: Vending machines for the Rest Area.
Chew Toys: Chew toys to relieve dinosaur aggression.
Fun Ball: Fun Balls for dinosaurs to play with.
Dome Feeder: A feeding system which dispenses food from a Viewing Dome.
Hunting Platform: Allow visitors to shoot dinosaurs in your park.
Electric Fences: Makes fences more secure.
Stomach Worms: Research a vaccine for this disease.
Skin Mites: Research a vaccine for this disease.
Common Cold: Research a vaccine for this disease.
Foot and Mouth: Research a vaccine for this disease.
Arthritis: Research a vaccine for this disease.
Cut Research
Earlier in development, all Facilities and Buildings needed Research to be used in the early-game. That was later changed as we got Starter Items such as the Kiosk, Benches, Low Security Fence, Park Entrance and etc. Those are listed down below:
Modern Flora
Low Security Fence
Herbivore Feeder
Carnivore Feeder
Viewing Vent
Park Entrance
Maintenance Depot
Ranger Station
Viewing Platform
Rest Room