Cut Content
During the creation of this Site, everything was made before this very specific section, because we wanted to make sure this section held everything we could, to show off exactly how much Content this game could've had. It's probably the largest section of the Site, and the true reason behind it's creation...
Operation Genesis went through alot of Time Constrains, Console Limitations, and Design Changes throughout its development cycle, as a result of this, just like any other game, various features, mechanics and content in general were removed, scrapped, or modified into the Final Game. We tried to hold ALL the known Cut Content behind Operation Genesis here, we hope you all learn something new scrolling down today!
Bear in mind, some Images of the Cut Features are presented in Galleries, click on them to zoom in and read more in detail about each.
Cut Categories
As you scroll down this Page, we decided to separate the Cut Content into Categories so it's much easier to find out exactly what you're looking for, those Categories being:
Overall: Generic Content and Features that were part of the Game as a whole;
Buildings: As the name suggests, Content and Features that were directly related to Buildings;
Research: Content and Features that had direct mention or connection on the Game's Research Tab;
Dinosaurs: Content and Features related to the Dinosaurs of the game, not to be confused with the later mentioned "Dinosaur Species";
Dinosaur Species: The 15 Cut Dinosaur Species from JPOG, they're also seen on the Dinosaurs Section of the Site;
Flora: Cut Flora Species from the Final Game;
Vehicles: The Cut Vehicles that didn't make it into the Final Game;
Diseases: The Cut Diseases that didn't make it into the Final Game;
Cut Content - Overall
Probably the best known "cut" Feature from JPOG, Shadows were originally part of all entities in the game, including Buildings and Foliage. The Shadows were later on removed from the PC Version, and only kept on PS2 for Dinosaurs and Guests.
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Originally, the Game had Awards or Achievements that the Player could complete, similar to Achievements in various other games. There was a total of 11 Awards to get. There's also no reason known why these were cut. They were first discovered on the "Awards.ini" File.
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Guns Variety
Rangers in the final game only use the Sniper Rifle for various things, tranquilizing, healing, retiring, and so on. But originally, the game had a larger variety of Weapons and Guns, with a total of 5 types of Guns. Almost nothing is known about them, only their mention in the "Constant.ini" File.
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Children Visitors
Yes you read it right, JPOG originally intended to have Children in the game, only Boys it seems. It's unknown the true reason behind their removal but possible theories were consequence of the removal of Petting Zoo. Or because kids being eaten by Dinosaurs wouldn't look that good..
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Forest Fire Disaster
Probably the only known Disaster to be cut out from the Final Game, the Forest Fires would possibly start out by Plants and/or Buildings being hit by Lightings. The Disaster being cut also resulted in other 2 Mechanics being cut, the Sprinkler and Spray system.
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Difficulties for Islands
Many people might wonder why there aren't any Difficulty Setting on JPOG, well, it did had, early shots from the Island Generator have revealed Difficulty was indeed a thing earlier in the game. Sadly though, we don't know how the Difficulty would affect the gameplay for the Player.
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Isla Nublar & The Five Deaths
Originally the iconic Isla Nublar, Isla Sorna and the other islands from the Five Deaths would've been present in the game. It's implied that Nublar could be made on the Campaign, while Sorna and the others ended up as Exercise-only. Interestingly though, Isla Pena isn't listed in the files.
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Day/Night Cycle
Alongside specific time periods such as Seasons, JPOG would've originally had Day and Night Cycles on your Island, making the passing of time much more immersive. Stephan Schutze even composed tracks for the Night, Evening and Morning Time Periods!
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Loading Screen Tips
Not entirely cut from the game at all, the Loading Screen Tips were only removed from the PC Version of JPOG, but they're still around for the PS2 and XBox versions, giving some interesting information of the game while loading Campaigns, Missions or Exercises.
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Park Staff
Very little is known about these Units, with only a single mysterious File on the Units folder, it seems the Staff was a type of Guest that would walk nearby Staff Facilities like the Ranger Station or the Maintenance Depot. But for now all we have is a single file of information...
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Cut Missions
3 Missions were Cut from the Final Game sometime throughout Development, those being: "Let Me Out Of Here!", "Muster Maze 1" and "Hold Onto Your Butts", you can see those in more detail in the Missions Tab:
Cut Exercises
6 Exercises were Cut from the Final Game sometime throughout Development, those being: "Disease Control", "Isla Nublar", "Isla Sorna", "Isla Muerta", "Isla Tacano" and "Isla Matanceros", you can see those in more detail in the Exercises Tab:
Sand Terrain
We all ask ourselves why aren't there any Beaches in JPOG? After all we create various shorelines that could lead into Beaches. Turns out that Sand was in fact part of the Terrain in early builds of the game. It's unclear if it could be used as a paint brush though.
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Original Terrain Tools
As seen in the E3 Trailer of the Game, JPOG had quite different Terrain Tools in the earlier versions, with actual Brushes and more smooth Terrain changes, and even Square/Circle Shape Brushes. These are shown on the pictures on your right.
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Water Ripples
"Anybody hear that? It's.. It's an impact tremor, it's what it is. I'm fairly alarmed here."
Not entirely Cut but only half Cut from the PC Version of the game, Water Ripples were an interesting addition to the Environment of JPOG.
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Tweaked Game Economy
Anyone that played JPOG ever got annoyed by the Starter Money and the Price of some Items? That's a result of the Game Economy being heavily modified in the Final Game, while early on it was much more balanced and realistic, matching the diverse content it had back then.
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Cut Content - Buildings
To keep this page with all the Content necessary but also not making it Brachiosaur-sized, we moved the Cut Buildings section into a sub-page in which you can access below:
Cut Content - Research
JP Institute Education Tour
With the removal of the Jurassic Park Institute, the Education Tour upgrade was also sadly removed from the game, but still able to be found in the Game Files. Not much is known about this, aside from it's real inspiration of the actual Education Tour made on the Jurassic Park Institute.
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Hatchery Education Tour
This one is quite interesting but as mysterious as other Cut Features from the game, it's implied by the Game's Description that the Hatchery Tour was removed due Design changes, but remnants of it are still able to be found in the Game Files.
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Rest Area Vending Machines
"Anybody want a Soda or something?"
You heard it right, Nedry's favorite place was going to be a Researchable Upgrade for the Rest Area. It's interesting how despite the Research being cut, the actual Vending Machines can still be found in the Rest Area itself in the Final Game!
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Viewing Dome Feeders
Originally the Game had a system of Feeders that could be attached to Viewing Domes via Researchable Upgrades, the Dino-Chow Feeding System. Sadly that mechanic was cut from the Final Game, despite the Feeders themselves still able to be seen in the Game's model.
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Sprinkler System
A Sprinkler System was originally planned to be an Upgrade for Structures in-game, it was later removed alongside the Forest Fire Disaster, the only condition possible to put Buildings on flames and eventually use those Sprinklers.
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Ranger's Spray System
Not to be confused with the Sprinkler System, the Spray System would've been used by the Rangers to extinguish Forest Fires on the Jungles of your Island. It was removed due the Forest Fire Disaster being also removed from the Final Game.
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Original Research Tree
Earlier in the game, the only Building you had to use was the JPInstitute, after placing it, the first Tech Ring of Researches would've been unlocked for you, and there your Park would start to be designed. That's how the Game originally was supposed to go with that Research Tree.
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Cut Content - Dinosaurs
To keep this page with all the Content necessary but also not making it Brachiosaur-sized, we moved the Cut Dinosaurs section into a sub-page in which you can access below:
Cut Content - Flora
In total, 7 Modern Flora Species were cut from the Final Game, there's no explanation to why they were cut. But their removal had a large impact on the Game, as the Islands we create are all filled with Palms and only Palms.
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Cut Content - Vehicles
Originally the Game had a total of 8 Vehicles, 2 Land ones, 2 Attraction ones and 4 Helicopters. Sadly only 2 Attraction and 2 Helicopter Vehicles made it into the Final Game, these are all shown on your right.
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Cut Content - Diseases
At some point in Development, JPOG had a total of 11 Diseases were planned for the Game, sadly, 5 of those were cut, resulting in only 6 going for the Final Game.
You can check more about the Diseases in the Dinosaurs Section of the Site.
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