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Rest Room

"An essential service for all visitors."

Build Cost: 

  • 1.500$

Units Allowed:​

  • 10


  • 1000

Also Known As:​

  • Toilet

Requires Research:

  • No


  • 2x2

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The Rest Room or the Toilet, is a vital building for your Visitors when you're building your Park, here, they can do their necessities, alone, privately. Without them, Visitors will get annoyed and mad, and eventually leave your Park.


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Surrounded by Tropical Plants, the Rest Room is formed by two small huts for Men and Women, where the Visitors can go for their necessities.

The Rest Rooms include Jurassic Park logos and various lamps that are lit up during Rain periods. You can also set a price for Visitors to use the Rest Rooms, although that is not recommended..

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Disclaimer: ALL the content presented here is for entertainment and informative purposes only, as a  fan / non-official site, all the credits go for Universal Studios and Amblin Entertainment for the Jurassic Park IP, aswell as the now closed Blue-Tongue Entertainment for the rights of Operation Genesis.

This site was built by fans for the fans, who don't intend to infringe any copyrights from the IP owners.

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