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"This African herbivore belongs to the Iguanodon family. Its large and brightly colored sail allows it to regulate its temperature and it is well adapted to survive during heatwaves."


Ouranosaurus is a large herbivorous Iguanodontid dinosaur present in the Large Herbivores class of the game. It's perhaps the most unique Ornithopod of the game and the only Iguanodontid of the game.


  • Ouranosaurus sp.

Name Meaning:​

  • "Brave Lizard"


  • Iguanodontidae


  • Early Cretaceous

Found in:

  • Chenini Formation

Cloning Cost:

  • 2,490$


  • Aprox. 4.4 Meters Tall


  • Aprox. 10.8 Meters Long


  • 500


  • Rare

Security Levels:

  • Low

Life Span:

  • 3 Years and 4 Months

Herd Size:

  • 1-8 Individuals

Socializes with:

  • Edmontosaurus

5 Stars.png

Concept Art 


Size Scale

Pleasing Tourists

"The Ouranosaurus has a natural friend in the Edmontosaurus, so for fun lovers it makes perfect sense to match these playmates together. You should have an entertaining pen for years if those are the only two species present. Watch out for dino nerds, though. They'll be upset seeing the two together, since Ouranosaurus lived during the early Cretaceous period and Edmontosaurus existed at the end of that era. For the sake of dino nerds' sanity, Ouranosaurus should be placed in a pen with same-era dinosaurs, the Acrocanthosaurus, Carcharadontosaurus, and Spinosaurus. This will also please the thrill seekers, as all three are large carnivores that will quickly prey on the slow, juicy Ouranosaurus meals."

~Prima's Official Strategy Guide


Sexual Dimorphism

There's no signs of Sexual Dimorphism throughout the game development for Ouranosaurus.

Although, thanks to Jane Powers' Announcement audio, as she calls the Ouranosaurus by "her", it's clear that the final game design of Ouranosaurus is intended to represent a Female.

Audio Files

Ourano Call 01
Ourano Call 02
Ourano Rest 01
Ourano Rest 02
Ourano Warning
Jane Powers' Announcement

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we're pleased to announce the arrival of our new and exotic herbivore from North Africa: Ouranosaurus stands out from the crowd, with her colorful sail and fun-loving attitude. Please enjoy this magnificent dinosaur!"

~Jane Powers


  • Ouranosaurus is the only herbivore found in Chenini.

  • It's the only Iguanodontid of the game.

  • It's likely that its original companion would've been Iguanodon, another species of Iguanodontid, that was sadly cut, to replace it, Edmontosaurus was used instead.

  • Real world counterpart of Ouranosaurus was much smaller than the one seen in-game.

  • Although hard to be seen in-game, Ouranosaurus has green eyes in the Concept Art.

  • Ouranosaurus is one of the very few dinosaurs that we never got to see early designs or differences throughout development.

  • Despite not being a famous dinosaur, or one that came from the movies, Ouranosaurus has more audio files than certain movie species, such as the icon of the franchise: Tyrannosaurus.

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Disclaimer: ALL the content presented here is for entertainment and informative purposes only, as a  fan / non-official site, all the credits go for Universal Studios and Amblin Entertainment for the Jurassic Park IP, aswell as the now closed Blue-Tongue Entertainment for the rights of Operation Genesis.

This site was built by fans for the fans, who don't intend to infringe any copyrights from the IP owners.

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