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"This tough Late Jurassic herbivore lives in herds and feeds upon low lying plants. It has bony plates upon its back for defense and can use its spiky tail to keep predators at bay."


Stegosaurus is a large herbivorous Stegosaurid dinosaur present in the Large Herbivores class of the game. It's one of the 10 movie species present in the game, and one of the 2 Stegosaurs in the game, it's also the largest of them, with Kentrosaurus after it.


  • Stegosaurus sp.

Name Meaning:​

  • "Roof Lizard"


  • Stegosauridae


  • Late Jurassic

Found in:

  • Morrison Formation    Site A

Cloning Cost:

  • 4,995$


  • Aprox. 4 Meters Tall


  • Aprox. 9 Meters Long


  • 550


  • Common

Security Levels:

  • Low

Life Span:

  • 4 Years and 6 Months

Herd Size:

  • 1-15 Individuals

Socializes with:

  • Kentrosaurus

5 Stars.png

Concept Art 


Size Scale

Pleasing Tourists

"Mainstream tourists should be very happy with the Stegosaurus; after all, it's certainly a dinosaur they've heard of, and it interacts well with other herbivores. Team Stegosaurus up with Brachiosaurus, Camarasaurus, Dryosaurus, and, of course, Kentrosaurus to please the fun lovers looking for playful herbivores carousing together. Thrill seekers want Stegosaurus battling it out with the likes of Allosaurus and Ceratosaurus. Dino nerds won't be visiting your park unless you have one of the dinosaurs mentioned above in the same pen as a Stegosaurus; any other dinosaur is from the wrong time period and will annoy a dino nerd's sensibilities."

~Prima's Official Strategy Guide


Sexual Dimorphism

There's no signs of Sexual Dimorphism throughout the development process of Stegosaurus..

Audio Files

Stego Call 01
Stego Roar 01
Stego Chlng
Jane Powers' Announcement

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we're excited to announce the release of our latest attraction: Stegosaurus. This famous Jurassic herbivore is known and loved the world over. Please enjoy!"

~Jane Powers


  • Stegosaurus is shockingly smaller to its movie counterpart, but more on par with the real Stegosaurus in terms of size.

  • Despite, theoretically being attached to Jurassic Park III, JPOG's Stegosaurus uses the better known coloration seen in The Lost World: Jurassic Park.

  • Stegosaurus uses the lowered tail posture like the original The Lost World's maquettes of Stegosaurus had.

  • Stegosaurus and Kentrosaurus are the only Stegosaurs of the game.

  • Stegosaurus is one of the few movie dinosaurs that doesn't play any movie calls, alongside Corythosaurus, Brachiosaurus, Triceratops, etc.

  • Stegosaurus is one of the 8 dinosaurs seen in the Dinopedia's Size Chart.

  • Originally, Stegosaurus' head from the 3D model was much smaller, that was later changed to a larger head.

  • The use of "01" in both Call and Roar audios implies that Stegosaurus originally had more Calls and Roars that were sadly cut from the final game.

  • Despite being a somewhat quite well known dinosaur both from the movies and in general dinosaur media, Stegosaurus lowers down to 4 stars rather than 5.

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Disclaimer: ALL the content presented here is for entertainment and informative purposes only, as a  fan / non-official site, all the credits go for Universal Studios and Amblin Entertainment for the Jurassic Park IP, aswell as the now closed Blue-Tongue Entertainment for the rights of Operation Genesis.

This site was built by fans for the fans, who don't intend to infringe any copyrights from the IP owners.

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