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"This small pack hunter is the most intelligent predator in Jurassic Park. They exhibit high levels of aggression towards humans in their environment. They hunt in packs but tend only to attack large prey if they have superior numbers. Armed with needle sharp teeth and wicked hooked claws, these small predators must be treated with extreme caution."


Velociraptor is one of the 4 Small Carnivores present in the game at Release, it's the most dangerous dinosaur of this group. Being tricky and intelligent, Velociraptors are a true challenge to maintain in your parks, needing to keep an eye on them constantly.


  • Velociraptor sp.

Name Meaning:​

  • "Speedy Thief"


  • Dromaeosauridae


  • Late Cretaceous

Found in:

  • Flaming Cliffs

Cloning Cost:

  • 5,745$


  • Aprox. 1.4 Meters Tall


  • Aprox. 3.8 Meters Long


  • 200


  • Uncommon

Security Levels:

  • High

Life Span:

  • 3 Years and 9 Months

Pack Size:

  • 1-5 Individuals

Favorite Prey:

  • Small Mammals

5 Stars.png

Concept Art 


Size Scale

Pleasing Tourists

"Another five-star attraction, Velociraptors will excite any tourist, from the cheapest dad to the most seasoned archaeologist. Fun lovers might be the only ones not impressed, though even they might enjoy the little guys if they're in a pen by themselves. Dino nerds will be suitably impressed if you match Velociraptors with other late Cretaceous dinosaurs like the Tyrannosaurus, Torosaurus, Homalocephale, and Ankylosaurus. Thrill seekers will get an extra kick out of the ferocious Velociraptor, even if you just have them ripping apart sheep and cows." ~Prima's Official Strategy Guide


Sexual Dimorphism

Velociraptors have a long story regarding their Sexual Dimorphism in the movies, and in Operation Genesis it's no exception, only one of the movie versions made their way into the game, the Jurassic Park III ones, the Female, white with black patterns and red around the eyes was the version that ended up in the final game. While the brown with a single white stripe and blue around the eyes, representing the Male, was sadly cut from the final game due the removal of Breeding and choosing with Sex you wanted when hatching a dinosaur.

Audio Files

Raptor Attack 01
Raptor Attack 02
Raptor Call 01
Raptor Call 02
Raptor Hiss 02
Raptor Hiss 03
Raptor Bark 01
Jane Powers' Announcement

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we're very proud to announce the arrival of our latest attraction: Velociraptor. Don't let their size fool you, these raptors are destined to be one of our most entertaining exhibits. Please enjoy these dinosaurs, safe in the knowledge that visitor safety is our top priority!"

~Jane Powers

Raptor Bark 02
Raptor Bark 03


  • Velociraptor has the most Audio Files out of all Dinosaurs.

  • Velociraptor's coloration is based on the Female from Jurassic Park III.

  • Velociraptors use modified Trex rigs, as they still have Trex's Walk and Run Cycles in their Animations Library.

  • 4 Raptors can latch into a prey at once.

  • Velociraptor is the only Small Carnivore with 5 stars.

  • In the game's Intro, it's seen two early variants of Male and Female Velociraptors that are more inspired by the Jurassic Park III's Male rather than the Female.

  • The Velociraptor Concept Art shows the original sketch had quills from Male individuals.

  • Velociraptors are the only species in-game to climb Fences rather than breaking them.

  • Velociraptors have Special DNA traits of Aggression and Speed, something all the other dinosaurs in-game lack.

  • An early model of Velociraptor had actual separated 3 fingers rather than them modeled together.

  • That same early model can still be seen in-game in the resting area's Raptor Statue.

  • Velociraptor and other 5 Stars Dinosaurs used to cost 4,350$ rather than 5,745$.

  • Velociraptor has a missing Audio File: "RapHiss01" as the game files start by 02 and 03.

  • Health Wise, Velociraptor is the weakest Carnivore in the game, with only 200 points of Health.

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Disclaimer: ALL the content presented here is for entertainment and informative purposes only, as a  fan / non-official site, all the credits go for Universal Studios and Amblin Entertainment for the Jurassic Park IP, aswell as the now closed Blue-Tongue Entertainment for the rights of Operation Genesis.

This site was built by fans for the fans, who don't intend to infringe any copyrights from the IP owners.

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