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Peter Ludlow

"You don't bring people half away around the world to visit a zoo. You bring the zoo to them! And San Diego is the perfect set.."

Peter Ludlow or Mr. Ludlow is the second in command of Ingen Corporation, working alongside his uncle, John Hammond to build Jurassic Park. After the 1993 incident, Ludlow and Hammond agreed to test out the Jurassic Park project once again, while Hammond had emphasis on the design of the park, Ludlow holds the finances and make sure that the invesment put into your management pays off..

Full Name:

  • Peter Ludlow

Voiced By:​

  • Bill Ten Eyck


  • Park Board

Helps With:

  • Park Finances

  • Park Feedback

  • Investments

  • Ingen Board Meetings

Appears In:

  • The Lost World: Jurassic Park

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In Game

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In Movie

Gives you Urgent Messages when:

  • Urgent Board Meeting

  • In Debt Status

  • Park Success / Failure

Text Messages

All the 59 Text Messages Peter Ludlow can give you during your gameplay:

  • "When a fatality occurs in Jurassic Park, everyone feels the pain, especially INGEN. Each incident damages your park's popularity and costs INGEN a great deal of money. The only way to reduce the impact of fatalities is to activate Emergency Mode whenever people are threatened."

  • "Your Park Budget is in the negative and our investors are thinking of withdrawing their support. You must restore a positive balance to your budget by [Year] [Month] or we will close Jurassic Park down."

  • "Congratulations. You've created a magnificent Park and achieved a Five Star rating. Feel free to stay on and enjoy your dinosaurs."

  • "You were warned that this would happen. Your failure to manage your finances has left us no other choice. Jurassic Park is now closed and your contract is terminated."

  • "Welcome to the team! We look forward to seeing what you can accomplish."

  • "Your park is proceeding as expected.  Keep up the good work."

  • "The INGEN board is quite satisfied with your management of the park for this quarter."

  • "Your efforts this quarter are acceptable, but not remarkable."

  • "All INGEN board members agree that your progress is satisfactory."

  • "We have noticed that very little construction has occurred in your Park.  We recommend that you spend more on new buildings so that your park continues to expand."

  • "Jurassic Park is operating satisfactorily. Don't neglect your fossil hunting, you must get more dinosaur species!"

  • "Our laboratory manager reports that the research teams are not being used. You should make better use of our scientists, you cannot progress without better technology!"

  • "Your budget is in a terrible state. This is a business not a charity, you must attempt to make more money!"

  • "Did you forget that we hired you to make money? Stop fooling around and start turning a profit!"

  • "You finances are in a terrible state. You are running Jurassic Park into the ground, and our investors are not happy. Start making a profit before we fire you.."

  • "The INGEN board is very concerned with the lack of profit this quarter.  You must pay more attention to you budget."

  • "Your planning has really paid off. The money just keeps rolling in. We are extremely pleased with your efforts!"

  • "This is great news. Your profit for this quarter was unexpected. Keep up your hard work."

  • "The entire INGEN board is very pleased by the health of your park budget.  This quarterly profit will make our investors very happy."

  • "Your budget has shown a healthy profit this quarter.  Keep up the good work and keep making money."

  • "Your park management skills are quite impressive. Jurassic Park's increase in popularity is just what we wanted to see. Keep up the good work."

  • "This is a great result. The increase in popularity this quarter proves that your hard work is really paying off."

  • "Congratulations. The Star Rating of your Park has increased this quarter.  This go a long way to boosting the confidence of our investors."

  • "The INGEN board is very pleased to see that the star rating of your park has increased this quarter. Keep up the good work."

  • "We are concerned about the visitor fatalities last quarter. This is simply not acceptable. Visitors will stop coming to Jurassic Park if they think it is unsafe. You must work harder to improve security."

  • "The visitor fatalities last quarter are a disaster. The INGEN board is furious and our investors are losing confidence. You must improve park security levels."

  • "Your poor management directly resulted in visitor fatalities last quarter.  These fatalities damage Jurassic Park's reputation and drastically reduce our profits. You must prevent this from happening again!"

  • "You must work harder to prevent further visitor fatalities. Everyone suffers when our visitors die. You must work harder to improve your security measures."

  • "There are numerous complaints of security concerns. Park safety is a high priority!"

  • "Your park is becoming less popular. You must investigate the causes of this and fix it at once."

  • "Your entry price is way too high! Tourist agencies report that potential visitors are being turned away because of your excessive prices. You must re-think your pricing strategy."

  • "You have less dinosaurs than previous reports indicate. This is a worrying trend."

  • "We are pleased with your investment in new dinosaur species. This should pay handsomely off in the future."

  • "Your park is in debt! To help you out, the board will give you a cash payment of [$ Value]. Don't let this happen again or we will not be so forgiving."

  • "Your park is in debt again! For the second time, we will grant you [$ Value] to get you out of this hole. If you continue this way, we will replace you."

  • "Yet again, your park is in debt. This is the third and final cash bonus of      [$ Value]. If you ever fail us again, you will be fired!"

  • "Due to your continued financial incompetence, INGEN is terminating your contract. After failing to return a profit for two successive quarters, it is the unanimous decision of the INGEN board to replace you. Farewell."

  • "Your park budget is a disgrace! Due to the staggeringly huge financial losses posted this quarter, INGEN is replacing you with a new manager.  Farewell."

  •  "We are disappointed with your lack of progress. You must create some dinosaurs and open Jurassic Park to the public! You must do this as soon as possible!"

  • "Visitors report that your park is extremely dirty. We recommend you hire more cleaners to ensure that our visitors are not disappointed in the cleanliness ."

  • "It has been reported to the board that your park is crowded with visitors.  We salute your efforts to increase the popularity of Jurassic Park but we recommend that you expand the scale of your park to handle this increase in visitor traffic."

  • "The massive twister has caused havoc in your park, and your failure to act quick enough has cost us dearly. Keep an eye out for the weather warnings and make safety your first priority next time!"

  • "We see that your park has been hit by a twister this quarter. Thanks to your quick actions the worst of the disaster was averted and lives were saved. Well done."

  • "We see that you are having some problems with disease in your park. You must research vaccines for them and remedy this, nobody wants to come to a park and see sick and weary dinosaurs."

  • "Your attractions suffer from poor ratings. You should try to increase the variety of dinosaur species and experiment with your enclosure balances improve your ratings."

  • "We have had numerous messages from visitors saying how pleased they were with the attractions and the dinosaurs. The INGEN board is very happy. Keep up the good work!"

  • "What are you doing? We have had numerous complaints from visitors that you have been killing dinosaurs without cause. This cruelty is disgraceful. These complaints have angered our investors and they are damaging the popularity of Jurassic Park!"

  • "You still only have one dinosaur species in your park. Please continue hunting for fossils and sequencing DNA at your Genetics Lab to get new species. You don't want your visitors to become bored with your park."

  • "You still only have one fossil hunting team. The INGEN board recommends that you invest in some more teams to increase the speed of your excavations, and ultimately increase your number of dinosaur species."

  • "You are yet to achieve a half a star park rating. If you're not sure why visitors don't appreciate your park, read the visitor summary and find out what is upsetting your visitors. Keep trying, we know you can make Jurassic Park work."

  • "After some analysis, the INGEN board recommends you spend more on visitor amenities to keep the visitors happy."

  • "Your spending on research is quite disappointing. Keep the scientists busy researching new topics whenever you can."

  • "We are disappointed with your lack of new DNA material. Keep the fossil hunting teams working, and extract as much DNA as you can."

  • "Well done! Your addition of another dinosaur species will definitely increase your park's popularity."

  • "The INGEN board is very pleased with your work extracting dinosaur DNA.  You have successfully extracted 100% DNA for all the dinosaur species you need. Our investors are very impressed by your management."

  • "The INGEN board is concerned that you have not built a ranger station.  Dinosaurs are very dangerous animals. You must strengthen your park security before something terrible happens."

  • "You've run this park into the ground! Make sure you clear your debt by the next Quarterly Report or you'll be fired!"

  • "Congratulations. We are satisfied with the healthy status of your finances.  Make sure you maintain a positive Park Budget in the future!"

  • "What an amazing result! You have successfully raised the rating up to five stars.  Jurassic Park is now the greatest theme park in the world. The entire INGEN board salutes your efforts."

Audio Messages

All the 43 Audio Messages Peter Ludlow can give you during your gameplay:​

1-Board Meeting Call


"Would it be possible to meet with you at some point?"


"If you could drag yourself away from the Park, we would like to speak with you."


"Do you have a moment to speak with us?"


"I think we need to discuss your performance."


"You need to explain your performance. Contact Head Office immediately."


"Your performance needs some discussion, contact Head Office at once!"


"This is not a social call. Contact Head Office immediately!"


"Can you explain your current performance? Contact Head Office immediately!"

2-Board Meeting


"Hello. I'm glad you could find time to meet with us."


"Welcome back. Things will be different now that i'm in charge."


"Hello! You seen to be slightly overwhelmed at the moment."


"Yes, hello. I think we've got some issues to discuss."


"You're back again, maybe for the last time.."


"Oh hello.. Let's discuss this report shall we?"



"Well, i'm pleased to see that you know how to make money, aswell as dinosaurs."


"This is good! Let's see if you can continue in the same vein."


"You must make more money. You work for Ingen, not Mother Nature."


"You've barely made a profit you need to work harder!"


"THIS IS A DISASTER! How can i explain this to the Ingen Board?!"


"Here's some food for thought. If you keep running the park at a loss, we'll shut you down."


"How hard can it be. You must make more money!"


"This is an excellent result.. Keep that money rolling in!"


"This is just not good enough, you need to be making more money than this."


"Must i remind you that Jurassic Park is not a charity service? Make more money!"


"This is not good enough. You've got two choices: Make more money or RESIGN!"



"I'm glad to see that you run a safe park. Keep up the good work."


"I'm happy to see that your park is quite secure. Remember, a safe park, is a profitable park."


"I don't care what you have to do, just make your park a safe place for visitors."


"Your security level is barely acceptable. You need to plan for emergencies."


"Do you understand how dangerous dinosaurs are? Improve your park security at once!"


"Stop fooling around! Need to improve your park security!"


"People will stop visiting your park if you don't improve security.."


"I'm impressed, your park appears to be in good shape."


"You should invest more in Security Measures. It will save you in the long run."

5-Park In Debt


"You have too many expenses!"


"Your job is to make money. Stop wasting it!"


"This seems acceptable."


"Is this the best you can do?"


"You are costing Ingen alot of money."


"If you keep losing money we will close you down."


"You must try harder to reduce your expenses."


"This is good.. Keep up the good work."


"I'm happy to see that you've made a profit!"

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Disclaimer: ALL the content presented here is for entertainment and informative purposes only, as a  fan / non-official site, all the credits go for Universal Studios and Amblin Entertainment for the Jurassic Park IP, aswell as the now closed Blue-Tongue Entertainment for the rights of Operation Genesis.

This site was built by fans for the fans, who don't intend to infringe any copyrights from the IP owners.

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