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Vehicle Maintenance Depot

[Missing Data: There's no In-Game Description for the Vehicle Maint. Depot]

Build Cost: 

  • ???

Units Allowed:​

  • ???


  • ???

Also Known As:​

  • Vehicle Depot

Requires Research:

  • ???


  • 5x4

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The Vehicle Maintenance Depot is a cut Staff Building from JPOG, originally intended to be used as a Repair Facility for broken and/or severely damaged Vehicles like Land Cruisers and Helicopters. Almost nothing about this Building is known aside from its existence at some point in the Game's Development.


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Despite not having any pictures in-game, we do have a single image of the Depot. The Station itself seems pretty similar to a large Garage in the Render, showing 5 Parking Slots on one side, and even a second level for Staff. The back area though remains unknown, it could probably have more Garages or Helicopter Parking Areas, all that remains up to speculation.

Repairing Vehicles

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As seen currently in the final game, to repair a Vehicle you just, don't repair it at all! Instead you just buy a new one while the broken one vanishes from existence. That's because damaged vehicles would originally be moved to this Depot, it's unclear how exactly this repairing mechanic would work, or even why it was cut from the final game.


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The Vehicle Maintenance Depot was first revealed by the Artist Gareth Williams in May 20th, 2008 on the site DeviantArt.

No info on how it worked was given, aside from the name, the year it was developed and the HD Render that we have now.

Since then, more than a decade later, we still have no other new info regarding this Cut Building, sadly...

Jeep Wrangler and Trucks

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Something interesting to pay attention on this Render is the presence of two hidden Vehicles inside the Depot's larger Garage. It's interesting to show that the Jeep Wrangler was originally planned for the game, likely for the Park Staff. Although these Trucks on the larger Garage remain hidden, it's possible they belonged to the Dino-Vets for in-land operations.

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Disclaimer: ALL the content presented here is for entertainment and informative purposes only, as a  fan / non-official site, all the credits go for Universal Studios and Amblin Entertainment for the Jurassic Park IP, aswell as the now closed Blue-Tongue Entertainment for the rights of Operation Genesis.

This site was built by fans for the fans, who don't intend to infringe any copyrights from the IP owners.

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